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Global Initiatives against Transnational Organized Crime

Global Initiatives against Transnational Organized Crime

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Nauval has a two-year professional background as a Research Assistant and Publication Assistant, he has had the privilege of contributing to LP3ES, MAARIF Institute, DASPR, K-Hub PVE Community/PeaceGeneration Indonesia, and the Indonesia Knowledge Hub on Counterterrorism/Violent Extremism at BNPT. During this period, his efforts have mainly centered on substantial research projects.

His role included active participation in revising "Al-Qaeda: Socio-Political Overview, Ideology, and Its Actions" by As'ad Said Ali (2014, LP3ES). Additionally, his research expanded to encompass topics related to violent extremism and terrorism. He had the opportunity to map the historical landscape of terrorism in Indonesia, covering groups from NII and JI to Pro-ISIS factions. This effort laid the groundwork for a guidebook to support community advisors working with individuals affected by terrorism under DASPR.

Moreover, he provided data assistance for literature reviews for Dr. phil. Syafiq Hasyim (Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia/Visiting Fellow at ISEAS) and Dr. Muhammad Wildan (UIN Sunan Kalijaga/ICRS UGM) for their Policy Analysis project titled "The Acceleration for Implementation of the National Action Plan on Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism in Indonesia's Province" (I-KHub BNPT).

Furthermore, he actively contributed by presenting conference articles at events such as the RSIS NTU Graduate Student Board Conference, Go South UGM, and the Symposium on Muslim Politics and World Society UIII. He's also part of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) Southeast Asia Youth Leaders for Online PCVE, an Individual Member of the Extremism & Gaming Research Network (EGRN), Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) Ambassador Program, and trained by Pacific Forum in "Youth, Gender, and Preventing Violent Extremism in SEA Workshop".

He looks forward to contributing as a Political Scientist, focusing on exploring the complex dynamics of religion, politics, violent extremism, and state-society relations.